Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Bokeh and Upcoming Videos.

Hello All!

I have been updating Facebook and completely abandoned my blog so apologies for that. A million portals to communicate through - shan't complain though, it's all good fun!

So... Last night I began work on Bokeh. I have had several people asking about how to do it on the SX40 and in all honesty, I have never done it on an SLR so the concept is completely new to me. Having said that, that may help a little as I can have a fresh perspective on the way to do Bokeh without prior confusion from doing it on an SLR. I dunno, but in the end, I've almost nailed it so hopefully I can get that on a video in the near future.

So here's the lineup for the next few videos:

1 - Av, Tv, C1 and C2 options (that will cover all of the top wheel settings)

2 - Bokeh

3 - CDHK (Give me some time to work on that one - I will prob do it on the weekend)

4 - Watermarking (My version of it anyway)

5 - Portraits (Once I can bribe a model of some sort)

Let me know if you think any of these are pointless or if you have any other suggestions for other videos.

I'll also try and upload some pictures I took in London last Saturday as I had a play with long exposure in Trafalgar Square which was great as they had the fountains lit up which gave it a nice colour.

Keep snapping!


  1. Hi, seems like the order got changed?? :)

    Are you planning to do Bokeh tutorial also right?
    please do it. want to learn that.


    1. Hi Rajesh,

      Yes I apologise for that. I mentioned that I had temporarily changed the order (But I cant remember where I wrote it) but I will do Bokeh. I'm having trouble getting it to work. I can get it to work with the lights - but no real luck if there is an object in the foreground.

      I have a feeling that it may be something I can only do with CDHK to help.

      Sorry for skipping it but I will get back to it :)
