Saturday, 28 January 2012

C1 and C2 Functions

So the newest video is up about using the Custom settings C1 and C2.

This allows you to save certain settings to these options to have quick access to particular image set-up you enjoy using. The example I use is when taking pictures of the moon. You can pick your options such as your ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture, as well as telling the camera the amount of zoom you would like and whether you want to use options such as self timer.

You will see that, when using the camera in other options, if you are using an option like self timer, this will switch off once the camera has been turned off or when you change from one function to another. This will not reset if you save it as part of your custom setting. Perhaps you want to set your camera for light writing, which is often best done with a self timer if you are doing the light writing yourself. It would be handy to be able to just switch on C1 or C2 and have all of your set-up including the self timer there and ready to go.

That is why the Custom functions are so handy. You can tell it what to remember and it will go back to exactly the same settings.

Another example is if you are doing time lapse or stop motion animation. It's best to keep your options the same in case you need to go back to your project at a later date and you want the images to look consistent. By having your settings set to a custom function - your images wont suffer from changes such as differences in zoom because the custom function will take you back to the settings you used previously.

To set the custom functions to the buttons - set up the shot you like and then press the Menu button. In the first tab, choose the very last option which is "Save Settings" and choose whether you want to save it to C1 or C2. Then you can switch to that option and it will remain on those settings until you save over it again.

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