Tuesday, 31 January 2012

ISO Printable Help sheet Up...

Here's the link to the newest Printable document running through ISO. I hope it helps people get their head around the basics of it!

ISO Helpsheet


  1. They may be quite simplistic, but they work.
    Sometime's there is so much information to take in regarding photography and tequniques, it get's quite overwhelming and the books try to make you understand too much.

    These 'quick ref' style guide's are ideal and very helpful for myself and to pass onto my daughter and mother to help understand what the features are and how they can affect your photo.

    I'm very greatful for guide's such as these as I'm printing them out for all the family and recommending your work to friends who will also benefit from it.

    Thank you very much.

  2. Thank you very much for saying so. I was aware that I was trying to simplify things so I didn't want to sound patronising but I know things would have been a lot easier for me if someone had just laid things out in a way I could remember.

    I'm glad they can be of some help!
